Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence

Name, addresses and URL's of organisations which provide dispute resolution services or might otherwise be of assistance to those using this website.

Princes House
95 Gresham Street
London EC2V 7NA
Tel +44 (0)20 7600 0500
Fax +44 (0)20 7600 0501
email: info@cedr.co.uk
CEDR is a contraction for "Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution". They have available a trained body of Mediators and the support resources needed to help bring the parties together.

The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
International Arbitration Centre
12 Bloomsbury Square
London WC1A 2LP
Tel +44 (0)20 7421 7444
Fax +44 (0)020 7404 4023
email: info@arbitrators.org
The Academy of Experts
2 South Square
Gray's Inn
London WC1R 5HT
Tel 020 7637 0333
Fax 020 7637 1893
email: admin@academy-experts.org

Society of Expert Witnesses
PO Box 345
Newmarket CB8 7TU
Tel 0345 023014
Fax 01638 560924

Mediation UK
Alexander House
Telephone Avenue
Bristol BS1 4BS
Tel: 0117 904 6661
Fax: 0117 904 3331
email: enquiry@mediatiomuk.org.uk

Mediation UK is a national voluntary organization dedicated to developing constructive means of resolving conflicts in communities.

Delia Venables maintains a website with links to many legal sites round the world. You may have reached here from her site. Of relevance she has "Legal Resources in the UK and Ireland, maintained by Delia Venables" which lists solicitors who will give free initial information by email or who have websites that deal with particular legal topics as well as many other useful links.