The reviews below are some of those written by Cliff Dilloway as
continuing professional development and published in the "Software World"
series. Only reviews of computer law related books appear here. The "Software
World" series is published by A P Publications Ltd, Old Exchange House,
Marford Road, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AY. Tel: 01582 833504.
Fax: 01582 832327. : Editors email:
EC Information Technology Law:Downing, Robbie:New York, NY, USA:John Wiley & Sons Inc:1995:xviii+268pp:ISBN 0-471-95049-1: Hbk:UKP50.00
A lawyers' book showing how at October 1994 Information Technology Law had evolved in the European Union. There is some EU background but the book is centred on Directives and the national implementations, the decisions of the Commission and of the European Court of Justice. As there is little directly applicable case law some principles are illustrated from cases in similar technologies. A good getting up to speed book for those new to the subject. . . . 3.8.95 4235
How to Sell Your Software Schenot, Bob: New York, NY, USA:John Wiley & Sons Inc:1994:xiv+305pp :ISBN 0-471-06399-1:Pbk :UKP19.95 :
We liked the author's breezy style and the book. It is a mine of information on publishing software, mostly as shareware but also by direct distribution. There are also odd useful bits of technical information too. While written from a US perspective, there is an international idiom, including a chapter on how to sell into the United States from outside. The book lives up to its title. . . . . 3.8.95 4236 +
International Yearbook of Law Computers and Technology - Volume 8 1994Ed. Russell, Kenneth and Jones, Richard:Oxford, UK:Carfax Publishing Company:1994:xiii+362pp:ISBN 0 902879 50 2:Hbk
This volume concentrates on Legal Education. It consists of separately authored chapters covering that topic and also Current Developments. The publishing cycle is such that the material is not very current in the fast moving world of computers. But the material is of a high standard and the coverage is broad. A good book to seek on the library shelf as the starting point for research on a new topic. . . . . 7.9.95 4267 +
English for the Computer - The SUSANNE Corpus and Analytic SchemeSampson, Geoffrey:Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press:1995:ix+499pp:ISBN 0-19-824023-6:Hbk:UKP55:
Computer processing of natural language is a burgeoning field, but until now there has been no agreement on a standardized classification of the diverse structural elements that occur in real-life language material. This book attempts to define a 'Linnaean taxonomy' for the English language: an annotation scheme, the SUSANNE scheme, which yields a labelled constituency structure for any string of English, comprehensively identifying all of its surface and logical structural properties. The structure is specified with sufficient rigour that analysts working independently must produce identical annotations for a given example. The scheme is based on large samples of real-life use of British and American written and spoken English.The book also describes the SUSANNE electronic corpus of English which is annotated in accordance with the scheme. It is freely available as a research resource to anyone working at a computer connected to Internet, and since 1992 has come into widespread use in academic and commercial research environments on four continents. (From the bookwrapper) . . . 7.9.95 4269
The Most Complex Machine. A Survey of Computers and Computing. Eck, David J:Wellesley, MA, USA:A K Peters Ltd:1995:xii+445pp:ISBN 1-56881-054-7:Hbk:UKP49.95:
A book on Computer Science for non-computer-scientists. Computer science deals with the abstract, which makes it difficult for the outsider to get away from the hardware and software that are its manifestations. Clearly the author is knowledgeable enough to write for the computer science lay person to understand how it comes about that computers work. Our wording is deliberate. In passing we would mention that few of those expert in the use of computers understand the concepts set out in this book. . . . . 3/11/95 4280 +
Intellectual Property Laws of Europe Metaxas-Maranghidis, George:Chichester, UK:John Wiley & Sons:1995: xx+643pp:ISBN 0-471-95212-5:Hbk:UKP75:
Copyright is the intellectual property law applicable throughout the 18 member states of the EU and EFTA covered by this book and most relevant to the protection of computer software. Local authors have each contributed a chapter in English in a uniform format covering not only copyright but Patent and Trade Mark Law. The book does not set out to be a definitive legal text but is for the businessman or lawyer who is considering business in another member state. Expect to find a great deal of uniformity in all intellectual property law as all the states concerned are signatories to international conventions and there is a European Directive on the protection of computer software. . . . . 3/11/95 4282
Information Technology Standards: Quest for the Common Byte Libicki, Martin C:Boston, MA, USA:Digital Press:1995: xxiv+400pp:ISBN 1-55558-131-5:Hbk:UKP45:
Cooperation between a US National Defence University component and a Harvard University component has produced this most erudite book. The necessity for and the value of standards is well argued. The disadvantages are not ignored. The complete field of Information Technology is covered. More than do, and at more senior levels, should be aware of this broad survey. . . . . 3.11.95 4301
ESL Resource Book for Engineers and Scientists Campbell, Elaine:New York, NY, USA:John Wiley & Sons Ltd:1995 :322pp:ISBN 0-471-12172-X:Pbk:UKP18.99:
ESL stands for "English as a Second Language". The English considered in this book is North American English and British English is not ignored but just not dealt with because the author is too aware of the fact that there are differences and not what they are. Not that these differences are so important in the computer field where there are such cross-culture exchanges. We have no doubt that this book is invaluable to teachers of English as a second language. It will be of value to their students in indicating the "whys" of the problems they have and help them to understand why their natural born English editors have made some of the changes they have in what appears to be perfectly correct English. . . . . 30.11.95 4305
The European Patent Convention. A Commentary, first published by Dr Romuald Singer. Revised English Edition.Lunzer, Raph:London:Sweet & Maxwell:1995:cxliii+1074pp:ISBN 0-421-52540-1:Hbk:UKP140.00:
We mention, although this is not the place to discuss the question, that there is general agreement that the European patent Office (EPO) might grant a patent for a software related invention where the same application might be refused by the British Patent Office (BPO). They both work to similarly worded laws but different Judges interpret what the laws mean. It appears that the EPO will accept an application if the claims made for a patent application have a technical effect, while the BPO will reject a patent application if the claims made are for something that is capable of being performed by a mental act. Inevitably there is an overlap (the same words are applicable to both offices) and claims capable of dual interpretation need careful handling and (as always) wording for a patent to be granted. Interestingly a patent granted by the EPO is valid and effective in the UK. While a computer program as such can be patented hardly anywhere in the world, all those that create, trade in or use computer programs need to be aware of what patents have been granted both to benefit from existing technology and to avoid the penalties arising from infringement. this is a legal textbook that is important to Information Systems Engineers who stand to benefit from the system it describes. . . . 31.11.95 4314
Why Does Software Cost So Much? And Other Puzzles of the Information Age DeMarco, Tom:New York, NY, USA:Dorset House Publishing:1995:ix+237pp:ISBN 0-932633-34-X:Pbk:
Twenty essays by one of the thinkers of information systems development. Very readable. We make the assertion that there is not anyone in information technology that will not gain a bit by going through this book . . . 30/11/95 4333
Computer Contracts. Precedent contracts for the computer industry worldwide, together with Disk and Introductory Commentary.Rennie, M-T Michele:London, UK:Sweet & Maxwell:1994:vii+3406+8+4pp:ISBN 0421490500:Loose-leaf:UKP115:
The author has produced several previous bound books giving precedents for computer contracts. This book is more ambitious. It is loose leaf with an updating service. With her collaborators it covers the EU, USA, Australia and Japan. There is an introductory commentary and a precedent for all types of computer contract and software license. The precedents are also on a bound in WordPerfect 5.1 format disk. Excellent wide coverage and the loose leaf format enables the EU Database Directive, for instance, to be incorporated in a timely manner. . . . 1.1.96 4361
The Truth About OutsourcingRothery, Brian & Robertson, Ian:Aldershot, UK:Gower Publishing Ltd:1995:xi+234pp: 0-566-07515-6ISBN:Hbk
A guide and a host of examples. Guides and checklists are 2.2.96 4374cluded . . .2.2.96 4374
International Yearbook of Law Computers and Technology. Volume 9, 1995. Computer CrimeWasik, Martin (Ed):Oxford, UK:Carfax:1995:x+241pp: 0 902879 60 XISBN:Hbk
Computer crime in the context of this book is that covered by the UK's Computer Misuse Act 1990. Copyright infringement is mentioned rather in a civil than a legal context. . . . 15.3.96 4409
Copyright on electronic delivery services and multimedia products. An assessment of long-term solutions in the context of copyright and electronic delivery services and multimedia products.Hoeren, Dr Thomas:Brussells:European Commission:1995:viii+56pp:ISBN:Pbk:ECU 10: . . . 15.6.96 4410
Copyright on electronic delivery services and multimedia products. An investigation of current practices with contractual arrangements and copyright clearing services.Clark, Charles:Brussells:European Commission:1995:iv+68pp:ISB 92-827-0276-6:Pbk . . . 15.3.96 4411
Copyright on electronic delivery services and multimedia products. Copyright problems of electronic document delivery.Hugenholz, Dr P Bernt & Visser, Dirk J G:Brussells:European Commission:1995:v+69pp:ISBN 92-826-9565:Pbk
These three books are study material prepared in the process leading up to the European Directive on the Legal Protection of Databases. As that Directive is probably not the "last word" on copyright in multimedia products these publications are of continuing interest. . . . 15.3.96 4412