Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


Managing Usenet


Spencer, Henry & Lawrence, David

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

Cambridge, MA, USA    O'Reilly    1998


xiii+492    1-56592-198-4    Pbk    £24.50

Most of us are down at the bottom end with our News coming whenever we ask. Occasionally delays and problems are reported to us and there are the two everpresent problems of too much and the gaps left because our ISP could not hold on to all the News that has come in since we last asked for it. For those that are wondering why News has taken a capital letter above and what we are talking about it's the messages we receive to go into Newsgroups. Obviously there is a lot of coordination going on somewhere and what it all is is explained in this book. The author has also explained the considerations that have to be taken into account in the design decisions necessary when planning a Newsgroup Server. A thoroughly good book for those that would either like to know how the News gets through or those with the responsibility to see that it does.

            11.3.98    4737

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