Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


Website Automation Toolkit


Helinski, Paul

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

New York, NY, USA        John Wiley & Sons    1998


xxviii+451    0-471-19785-8    Pbk    £32.50

In the beginning of programming there was machine coding, then relative addressing, then autocoding, then high level language and so on through third generation languages and beyond. So it will be on the World Wide Web. Many still HTML code by hand, all have to understand HTML to check out whatever their took has generated for them. The human mind is still the best tool for creating the links but it is tedious work. In this book Paul Helinski has provided the tools for website creation as far as he can in one bound. The tools he has created are on the bound-in CD-ROM and he explains how to use them. One day all websites will be created this way.

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