WinSock 2.0
Napper, Lewis
Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS YEAR
Foster City, CA, USA IDG 1997
xxvii+543 0-7645-8049-3 Pbk £36.99
"WinSock is a network API for Microsoft Windows". This means
that it is the interface over which all the Internet traffic
passes between the user's computer and the World Wide Web and
much else besides. Lewis Napper clearly understand both sides
of the interface in real world terms and not just the technical
specification jargon in which it has to be laid down. Those of
us who still call ourselves students might not learn much from
this book but after reading this book they will understand a
great deal of what they only knew before. The clarity and
completeness of the writing reveals a rare ability in a
technician. The sample programs are printed and on the bound-in
CD-ROM if you need them while the explanations of what it all
means ensures that these resources can be exploited to the full.
11.3.98 4724
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