Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


Essential HTML Fast


Reed, Duncan & Thomas, Peter

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

London, UK        Springer-Verlag    1998


x+133    3-540-76199-3    Pbk    

HTML consists of <tags> placed in the text to be displayed by a browser (eg Netscape Explorer). The text is read serially and the browsers interpret the tags as appropriate to mean things like space down to the next line or start and then later stop rendering as italic. It is possible to create HTML documents using software packages that protect the user from having to understand the meanings of the <tags>. But as always, life is a lot easier if you know what you are doing and this book, a text editor and a few macros are all you really need to set up straightforward text pages. Your reviewer uses the text editor BOXER in just that way.

            11.3.98    4720

Converted using Wp2Html from Andrew Scriven. Copyright Cliff Dilloway on the last date above. The Authors Moral Rights are asserted