Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


Open EDI and Law in Europe


Mitrakas, Andreas

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

The Hague, The Netherlands    Kluwer Law International    1997


xx+339    90-411-0489-5    Hbk    £72

EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange. The "data" has the status of a contract document under some separately agreed contract between the parties who are interchanging the data. With Open EDI there is no separate contract that gives a particular legal meaning to the data. The data is the contract. It is just as if anyone can go into a shop anywhere in Europe and enter into a contract except that the contract is not made by a physical but by an electronic interchange. The author has researched and reports on this legal "minefield" to throw light on the inevitable doubt as to when electronic interchange produces a valid enforceable contract.

            18.11.97    4684

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