Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


The Electronic Privacy Papers. Documents on the Battle for Privacy in the Age of Surveillance


Schneier, Bruce & Banisar, David

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

New York, NY, USA        John Wiley & Sons, Inc    1997


xviii+747    0-471-12297-1    Hbk    £50

These documents have largely been obtained by use of the Freedom of Information Act in the United States. They tend to date from the early 1990s. The interest in publishing them is to show US government thinking on control and interception of information on the superhighway. The intention of the authors is to seek to limit or eliminate that control and interception but the book does not contain much argument; it is mainly a massive source of evidence. Our only comment is that TPTB have always wanted to restrict the flow of information as is evidenced by the Stamp Tax that was once levied on British Newspapers.

            19.11.97    4682

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