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Computer Expert Evidence


Online Kids. A Young Surfer's Guide to Cyberspace


Gralla, Preston

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

New York, NY, USA        John Wiley & Sons, Inc    1996


vi+282    0-471-13545-3    Pbk    £10.99

We would rate this book for twelve year olds. It's difficult to remember what we were ready for when we were twelve but we deliberately stopped moving on at fourteen so it's not far to remember back. Most of this book consists of descriptions of interesting websites for young enquiring minds. Help with the homework is well represented. But the best part is the getting started section at the beginning. Most adults would be grateful for the level of the advice it gives and it is in no way patronising. The safety aspects of internet use are well covered and parents should note these well. A fine book for the upcoming generation.

            17.11.96    4561

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