Patterns of Software. Tales from the Software Community.
Gabriel, Richard P
Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS YEAR
New York, NY, USA Oxford University Press 1996
xx+235 0-19-510269-X Hbk £18.99
We write a lot of these reviews. Occasionally we see a book we
would like to read. Here is one at the top of that list. The
author is a thinker. He wishes programs to be better but has
first of all to devine what is meant by better. He has some
guidance from Christopher Alexander, an architect who has spent
thirty years seeking to design better buildings, also not knowing
what was meant by better. Our interpretation in mathematical
terms is contentment when all the things (Gabriel's objects) that
go to make up you are at the peak of their normal frequency
distribution. But the creation has to be judged in the eyes of
others and it is the insight into that topic that may well impel
us to read this book. What thinkers can be certain about is that
computers and their programs will not be integrated into human
environment in the way, say, the countryside is, until we have
found out how to achieve this better contentment or whatever it
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