Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


The B-Book. Assigning Programs to Meanings


Abrial, J-R

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

Cambridge, UK        Cambridge University Press    1996


xxxiv+779    0-521-49619-5    Hbk    £40

A book on a formal method. The formal method sits alongside VDM and Z but being later in time represents an advance. In particular it provides a means of specifying a program's intention as well as constructing the proof that the program meets the intention. The formal method called B comes with high recommendations. The book we found readable to a much wider audience than texts we have seen on VDM or Z. The author has not found it necessary to invent a whole new set of meaning for words to describe the inevitably terse notation that B uses. The result must be a considerable extension to the number of individuals who will be able to use formal methods for program development. The publishers must have foreseen this development for while the book is not cheap it is exceedingly good value for money.

            17.11.96    4531

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