Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


Internet Security for Business


Bernstein, Terry; Bhimani, Anish B; Schultz, Eugene; Siegel,

Carol A

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

New York, NY, USA        John Wiley & Sons, Inc    1996


xi+452    0-471-13752-9    Pbk    £24.95

Many people know how to use the Internet. Relatively few know how it works. What is clear is that the Internet was not designed as a secure system so everything has to be taken at face value. If you are doing business on the Internet the cost of protection may be greater than the potential losses. But that will not always be so. The book looks at how the Internet works and some of it is immediately alarming. Then the protections are considered and they are reassuring. But there is no room for ignorance and complacency, as any reader of this book will realise.

            20.9.96    4527

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