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Computer Expert Evidence


Advanced WordPerfect Using Macro Power. A Guide for VMS and DOS Users.


Due, Sharilyn S.

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

Boston, MA, USA        Digital Press    1996


xv+292+6+9+11+18+12+2+24        Pbk    £27.50

Describes the parts of WordPerfect that most other users do not use. If you just use WordPerfect for simple word processing then you may think that you do not need this book. But what about all the other things that you could do on the computer but do not? WordPerfect could most probably do them for you and here is a book of knowledge that will train you to be able to train WordPerfect to be your servant. There is a learning curve to climb but great power at the top and the advantage of only needing to know one system. Covers WordPerfect 5.1 for VMS and DOS with notes on WordPerfect 5.0 and 6.0 difference. Has a bound in disk of macros.

            30.11.95    4307

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