Dispute Resolution
Computer Expert Evidence


Intellectual Property Laws of Europe


Metaxas-Maranghidis, George

Places & Countries of PUBLISHERS    YEAR

Chichester, UK        John Wiley & Sons    1995


xx+643    0-471-95212-5    Hbk    £75

Copyright is the intellectual property law applicable throughout the 18 member states of the EU and EFTA covered by this book and most relevant to the protection of computer software. Local authors have each contributed a chapter in English in a uniform format covering not only copyright but Patent and Trade Mark Law. The book does not set out to be a definitive legal text but is for the businessman or lawyer who is considering business in another member state. Expect to find a great deal of uniformity in all intellectual property law as all the states concerned are signatories to international conventions and there is a European Directive on the protection of computer software.

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